“The Art and Science of the Concierge” with Holly Stiel (AM Session)

  • 09 Sep 2011
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (CDT)
  • Mandarin Oriental, Las Vegas
  • 36


  • Payment will be accepted only at the door. Please do not pay online.

Registration is closed


The National Concierge Association, Las Vegas chapter in partnership with the Southern Nevada Hotel Concierge Association cordially invite you to a special educational event facilitated by Holly Stiel.

"The Art and Science of the Concierge"

Friday - September 9th, 2011 

AM Session:  9:00 am to about 12:00 pm

Graciously hosted by the:


3752 Las Vegas Blvd. South

Las Vegas| NV | 89158

 For more information about this wonderful venue please find their site here.

For more information on Holly Stiel, please find the link to her site here. 

Business Casual Attire, No Jeans Please

RSVP's are due no later than Friday- September 2nd, 2011 by noon.

This event is FREE for SNHCA and NCA Members.  $15 for non-association Concierge members and hospitality students.  $20 for Non-Concierge Hospitality Professionals or Vendors.

We look forward in welcoming you!

Yours in Service,

Nevada Chapter Board of Directors


Connecting Concierges of all types and hospitality partners since 1998,                       our founding principle is to provide unlimited and unparalleled networking and educational opportunities to every member as well as to promote the Concierge profession worldwide.

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