NCA Nevada Chapter November Meeting

  • 16 Nov 2010
  • 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM (CST)
  • Desert Pines Golf Club


  • Payment will be accepted only at the door. Please do not pay online.


You are cordially invited to attend the NCA Nevada Chapter Membership Meeting.

Tuesday, November 16th, 2010 

Please feel free to arrive at 5:00pm where you will gain complimentary access to the exclusive Desert Pines Driving Range Networking begins at 6:00pm
Meeting begins promptly at 6:30pm

Graciously hosted by:
Walters Golf at Desert Pines Golf Club

3415 East Bonanza | Las Vegas | NV | 89101

For directions, click here.

Please RSVP by November 15th, 2010 by 12 noon.

We look forward in welcoming you!

Yours in Service,

Nevada Chapter Board of Directors